Dr. Cátia Marques graduated in 2010 as a veterinarian at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Lisbon (ULisbon). While still a veterinary student she enrolled in research projects in the field of blood banking, parasitology, infectious diseases and microbiology of companion animals. In 2019, she obtained her PhD degree in Veterinary Sciences at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, ULisbon on the subject of antimicrobial resistance of companion animal and human uropathogenic bacteria. Since 2020, she is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Universidade Lusófona (ULusófona), lecturing infectious diseases, laboratory diagnosis and food safety. Currently, her research and study interests are focused on clinical microbiology, antimicrobial resistance and infectious diseases.
On October 1, 2023 she started her ECVM residency under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Constança Pomba based at the Satellite Training Center GeneVet Lab – Molecular Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory.