Dr Libby Graham


Libby graduated from UCD, Ireland in 1996, and spent two years in practice in the UK. She returned to UCD to study for a Master’s degree of Veterinary Medicine, followed by a PhD at the University of Glasgow, graduating in 2003. She spent the next two years at the Institute for Animal Health, Compton in a postdoctoral research post. In 2005, she returned to Glasgow’s School of Veterinary Medicine as Registrar in Infectious Diseases, with diagnostic, teaching and research responsibilities. She became Academic Head of the Virology Diagnostic Laboratory in 2006, and led the Infectious Disease Diagnostic Laboratory from 2009.

In 2016, Libby moved to the traditional dairying region of the Waikato, New Zealand, to focus on production animal microbiology, where she worked as Laboratory Manager of Cognosco, the research division of the large AnexaFVC Veterinary Group. Cognosco provides clinical research services to industry and government, mainly in bovine mastitis and fertility.

Libby is now working in the UK, as Laboratory Director of Lab Services Ltd, which providing diagnostic services for companion animals across the UK.

Libby’s research and teaching interests lie in the fields of clinical and diagnostic microbiology, particularly new diagnostic technologies, emerging veterinary pathogens, and antimicrobial resistance. She is a Founding Diplomate of the ECVM, current ECVM Secretary, and Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Glasgow.
