Dr. Marenzoni received her veterinary degree from University of Perugia, Italy, in 2000, discussing the thesis “Anatomic, histopathological and ultrastructural observations in pigs with Postweaning Multisystemic Wasting Syndrome (PMWS)”. She carried out a PhD in Infectious diseases of equines, with the thesis: “Rhodococcus equi: disease and serological survey in the horse”. Subsequently, she deepened the epidemiology of infectious diseases of animals, concluding a master in Epidemiology and statistics at the Catholic University of Rome, Italy. From 2007 until today she is researcher and lecturer of different courses related to epidemiology and infectious diseases of animals (Veterinary Epidemiology, Infectious diseases of small animals, Hygiene and prophylaxis of farms) to various courses of veterinary medicine and science of animal production at the University of Perugia. She regularly performs diagnostic activity on animal infectious diseases at the Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Perugia. Main topics of research are molecular biology and virology applied in the veterinary diagnostic, epidemiology of infectious diseases, biosafety, and One Health.
She has authored more than 70 peer-reviewed publications.