Shlomo (Eduardo) Blum graduated in Veterinary Medicine in 2002 from the Escola de Medicina Veterinaria at the Universidade Federal Fluminense in Brazil. Since 2004, he has been working at the Department of Bacteriology and Mycology at the Kimron Veterinary Institute, part of the Israel Veterinary Services and Animal Health (IVSAH), Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security. In 2018, he became the head of the department.
He holds an MSc (2007) degree with distinction and a PhD (2015) degrees from the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Environment and Food Sciences at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, both focusing on “Mastitis Associated Escherichia coli.” He has been accredited specialization in Veterinary Microbiology by the IVSAH in 2013 and by the European College of Veterinary Microbiology (ECVM) in 2024.
Dr. Blum also serves in various leadership roles. He is the Head of the National Reference Laboratory for Botulism, the Head of the KVI Institutional Committee on Regulation of Studies with Biological Pathogens, and a member of the Management Team of Epidemics in the Ministry of Health. He is also the Head of the Israel Association of Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology, the Secretary of the Israel Society of Microbiology, and a member of the Scientific Council and Head of the Committee for Laboratory and Public Health Specializations in the Israel Veterinary Medical Association. Additionally, he is a member of the Israel Dairy Board Scientific Sub-Committee for “Milk Quality and Udder Health” and has lectured on Veterinary Bacteriology at the Koret School of Veterinary Medicine at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Beyond routine diagnosis, his research and professional interests encompass bacterial diseases in animals, with a particular focus on mastitis, bacterial zoonoses such as Leptospirosis, antimicrobial resistance, and disease monitoring in domestic and wildlife species. In recognition of outstanding contribution to veterinary medicine in Israel, he was awarded the Prof. Kimron Prize in 2015 by the Prof. A. Kimron Research Fellowship Fund.