Dr. Laura Durán Illán graduated from the Veterinary Medicine Faculty of Liège university, Belgium, in 2022. As part of her final project for her veterinary masters degree, she systematically reviewed the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 among animal wildlife.
Currently, Laura works for the Public Service of Wallonia (SPW) in the Wild Animal Pathology Service of the Liège university, where she primarily focuses on detecting and monitoring various and principally zoonotic infectious diseases within Belgian wild animal population. She recently started a PhD in the veterinary virology field, dealing with the detection of various flaviviruses, such as West-Nile virus, among the Belgian wild animal population. In May 2023, she started the ECVM residency program under the guidance of Prof. Annick Linden in the faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the university of Liège.