Marleen van der Most studied Veterinary Medicine at Utrecht University, the Netherlands and graduated in the beginning of 2015. After graduation Marleen worked as a veterinary practitioner in the poultry sector for more than five years. In this position she gained experience with the veterinary approach of handling infectious diseases on herd- and farm-level and she worked in close collaboration with different veterinary laboratories. A growing interest in the detection, control and prevention of animal infectious diseases and zoonoses, motivated her to specialize in veterinary microbiology.
Marleen joined the department of Bacteriology, Host Pathogen Interaction & Diagnostics at Wageningen Bioveterinary Research (WBVR) in Lelystad, the Netherlands in 2020. WBVR is the national reference laboratory for notifiable diseases in animals and the institute contributes to the prevention, eradication and control of animal infectious diseases through research, diagnostics and consultancy.
In January 2022 Marleen started her ECVM Residency with Dr. Phaedra Eblé as her main supervisor and Dr. Wim van der Poel as residency program director.