Prof. Evanthia Petridou received her veterinary degree (DVM) from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (A.U.Th.), Greece, in 1993, and a PhD in Veterinary Microbiology from the same University in 1999. She also has a Master’s degree in Health Care Management from University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece. She encounters more than 20 years of independent undergraduate teaching in Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, as well as post-graduate teaching. She has an adequate number of original research publications in international journals and conference proceedings, she co-authored a booklet entitled: “Biosafety in Greek Swine farms” ISBN 978-960-243-713-1 and she is co-editor of the Training video on “Biosafety in Greek Swine farms”, while she has successfully supervised 5 dissertations and one post doc. She served as Secretary and member of the Board at the Hellenic Society of Biomedical Laboratory Animal Science (HSBLAS-member association of FELASA) for more than 7 years. She is a founding member of the “Hellenic Scientific Association of One Health”, and a member of the “Hellenic Biosafety Society”. She is Certified Professional in Biorisk after examinations in the International Federation of Biosafety Associations (IFBA). She is trained on ISO 17025 and serves as Quality Manager in an accredited testing laboratory. She served/serves as expert for the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development on “Laboratory animal facility of the National Reference Laboratory for Marine Biotoxins” and on “Management and surveillance of ruminants’ Brucellosis and mastitis”. Since August 2021 she supervises the ECVM’s training Center in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.