Mara Battilani receveid her veterinary degree from the University of Bologna (UNIBO), Italy, in 1998 and a PhD in “Epidemiology and control of zoonoses” from the same university in 2002. From 2002 she was enrolled as Researcher and, from 2014 as Associate Professor at the Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences (DIMEVET – UNIBO). Since 2014 she is Head of the Diagnostic of Infectious Diseases Unit of the Clinical Pathology Service of the Veterinary University Hospital of DIMEVET. The main research fields are evolution, molecular epidemiology and diagnosis of pathogens of companion animals including zoonotic infections. Taught Infectious Diseases of Companion animals and Professional Practical Training in Communicable Diseases and Urban Veterinary Hygiene. Referee for Italian and non-Italian State-owned bodies and for several scientific journals. Since 2021 she is member of editorial board of Infection, Genetic and Evolution (Ed. Elsevier). She authored and coauthored in more than 160 scientific publications including on peer reviewed international journals, book chapters and reviews. She involved in several research projects related to molecular diagnosis and epidemiology and pathogen evolution in wild and companion animals in collaboration with national and international research centers.