Born in Bari (Italy) on November 11, 1973. Graduated in Veterinary Medicine, marks 110/110 (top grades cum laude). Doctorate fellowship in Infectious pathologies of carnivores (2004). Assistant (2002-2004), Associate (2005-2016) and Full (from 2016) Professor of Infectious Diseases of Animals (SSD VET/05), Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Bari, Italy. Visiting Scientist at the Virology Divisions of the Faculties of Veterinary Medicine of Zurich (2003), Giessen (2004), Utrecht (2005), and at the National Animal Disease Center, USDA, Aimes, IA (2013). PhD degree, Utrecht University, The Netherlands (2009). Director of the Specialization School of Infectious Diseases of Animals (2008-2014). Member of the executive boards of the European College of Veterinary Microbiology (ECVM, treasurer), of the Italian Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (SIDiLV, secretary), and of the Italian Association of Veterinary Infectivologists (ANIV, secretary). Associate Editor of Journal of Virological Methods (from 2014). Member of the editorial boards of international journals. Author/coauthor of 350 scientific manuscripts (187 on peer-reviewed international journals); h-index = 39.