Dr Marta Medardo


Dr.Marta Medardo received her veterinary degree from University of Milan, Italy in 2010 (110/110, top grades cum laude) and started as small animal practitioner. She returned to the University of Milan, Italy for a Post Graduate Trainee (2015) at the Unit of Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology and in 2017 had a visiting at the Microbiology Diagnostic Laboratory in the Institute of Veterinary Science, University of Liverpool. She was Head of Microbiology in the Laboratory Unit of Clinica Veterinaria Malpensa, Samarate (VA, Italy). Currently she is Head of Microbiology Unit in the veterinary laboratory MYLAV s.r.l.u. , Passirana di Rho (MI, Italy).

In April 1, 2020 she started her ECVM residency with Prof. Decaro (DVM, PhD, Dipl ECVM) as main Supervisor and Residency Programme Director.
