Dr. Rachel Marschang qualified as a veterinarian from the Justus Liebig University in Giessen, Germany in 1995 and has been working in reptile medicine and infectious diseases ever since. She received her doctorate working on viruses of tortoises from the Justus Liebig University in 2001 and her habilitation in Environmental and Animal Hygiene and Veterinary Virology from the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart, Germany in 2010. She became a German specialist for reptile medicine (Zusatzbezeichnung) in 2002 and a German specialist for microbiology (Fachtierärztin) in 2007. She is a diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Microbiology (ECVM) and of the European College of Zoological Medicine (ECZM) in herpetological medicine. She is a past president of The Association of Reptile and Amphibian Veterinarians (ARAV) and of the ECZM and spent several years on the board of the Global Ranavirus Consortium (GRC) as the European representative. She is currently working as a consultant veterinarian for reptile diagnostics at Laboklin GmbH & Co. KG in Bad Kissingen, Germany and as an adjunct professor (Privatdozentin) teaching microbiology to students of agriculture at the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart, Germany. She is the editor-in chief of the Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery. Dr. Marschang is involved in a number of research studies with international partners. Main research interests include viruses of reptiles, improvement of diagnostic testing in non-traditional pets, and epidemiology of pathogens in captive and wild reptiles.